Bill, who received the BEQVEZ infusion in 2016 Bill, who received the BEQVEZ infusion in 2016

How BEQVEZ works

Bill, who received the BEQVEZ infusion in 2016.*
*Bill participated in a BEQVEZ clinical study.

BEQVEZ aims to deliver a working gene to help your body make its own factor IX (FIX)

Discover how BEQVEZ may help your body create FIX on its own, after a one-time infusion


In hemophilia B, your FIX gene is changed or mutated. As a result, your body doesn’t make enough clotting FIX protein.

Introducing BEQVEZ

BEQVEZ is designed to give your body the healthy (working or functioning) FIX gene it lacks.

BEQVEZ uses a vector to carry the working gene to the liver.

After the one-time BEQVEZ infusion

After BEQVEZ gets to the liver, it aims to help your body make more clotting FIX proteins.

After receiving the BEQVEZ infusion, regular post-infusion monitoring is required and it is important to keep FIX on hand.

Talk with your doctor about whether you are able to stop FIX prophy or resume, and actions you may need to take for surgeries, procedures, injuries, and bleeding events.

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