Bill, who received the BEQVEZ infusion in 2016 Bill, who received the BEQVEZ infusion in 2016

Determining whether BEQVEZ is right for you

Bill, who received the BEQVEZ infusion in 2016.*
*Bill participated in a BEQVEZ clinical study.

No matter where you are in your journey, we’re here to give you educational support, tools, and resources to help

Here’s how to get started

Discussing BEQVEZTM (fidanacogene elaparvovec-dzkt) with your doctor icon


Discuss BEQVEZ with your doctor

We understand getting gene therapy is an important decision

As with any new treatment, it’s normal to have questions.

BEQVEZ may be an option if you:

Your doctor will tell you about lifestyle changes you may need to make before getting BEQVEZ, like:

Here are some questions that may help when you talk to your doctor

  1. How often do you think about your hemophilia?
  2. In what ways has hemophilia had an impact on your daily routine?
  3. Is your current treatment meeting your treatment needs?
  4. What is most important to you when choosing a treatment?
  5. What are your short- and long-term plans after treatment?
  6. Are you able to commit to potential temporary lifestyle changes?

Together, you and your doctor can decide if BEQVEZ is a good choice for you and your treatment goals.

Quote "As all Hemophilia patientss know infusing yourself is not fun"

Quote "As all Hemophilia patientss know infusing yourself is not fun"

Bill icon

Talk to your doctor about BEQVEZ

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Confirming your eligibility

To find out if BEQVEZ is right for you, you and your doctor will talk about considerations like potential lifestyle changes. You will also need lab testing and confirmation of your access and insurance coverage to see if you’re eligible for BEQVEZ.

Your doctor will check your eligibility with various tests to confirm if BEQVEZ may be a treatment option for you

These tests include, but are not limited to, checking:

You will get the results from your NAb test after about 7 to 10 days.

Your care team will talk to you about your results and whether BEQVEZ is right for you.

While confirming eligibility, consider enrolling in an educational support program called Pfizer GeneTogetherTM

Pfizer GeneTogether logo

Pfizer GeneTogether is here to help answer your coverage and logistics questions throughout your BEQVEZ journey. If you and your doctor decide BEQVEZ is the right treatment choice for you, your care team will work with you to enroll you in Pfizer GeneTogether.

The program includes:

  • Information and resources to support you before, during, and after treatment
  • Dedicated Patient Case Managers ready to answer questions you may have about the planning needed to receive BEQVEZ

To learn more, call 1-888-733-2030

Your Pfizer GeneTogether care team will also help you get ready for your infusion by:

  • Assisting you with travel logistics required for your treatment
  • Confirming the date of the infusion and any preparation or planning needed beforehand
  • Checking with your care team to make sure you’re all set for your infusion

Learn about other helpful resources available throughout your journey on the Support page

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Your BEQVEZ infusion