Bill, who received the BEQVEZ infusion in 2016 Bill, who received the BEQVEZ infusion in 2016

What to expect on the BEQVEZ infusion day and afterward

Bill, who received the BEQVEZ infusion in 2016.*
*Bill participated in a BEQVEZ clinical study.

Here’s what happens after your eligibility is confirmed

Here are the next steps

Icon to indicate scheduling for receiving your one-time BEQVEZTM (fidanacogene elaparvovec-dzkt) infusion


Receive your one-time BEQVEZ infusion

On the day of your infusion, you should plan to spend all day at the gene therapy infusion center.

This includes preparation time for your infusion. You may need to fill out some paperwork.

The process before, during, and after the infusion may vary across centers.

The infusion takes about 1 hour

After the infusion, you’ll need to stay at the infusion center for at least 3 hours for monitoring

  • Your care team will check your vital signs, like your heart rate and temperature
  • They will also check if you have an infusion-related reaction
  • When your care team is sure you are ready to leave the infusion center, you can go home

Your care team will give you a tailored follow-up plan to monitor your liver and factor IX (FIX) levels.

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After-treatment experience and monitoring

It will be important to see your care team for post-infusion monitoring routinely after the infusion.

You will have blood tests to assess your liver health and FIX activity levels.

In the clinical trial for BEQVEZ, some participants had raised liver enzyme levels and/or a decrease in FIX activity levels. Depending on their levels, these participants were prescribed corticosteroids.

Your care team will also remind you about:

Talk to your doctor about enrolling in a registry to assess the long-term efficacy and safety of treatments for hemophilia.

Quote: "Over time, less and less"

Quote: "Over time, less and less"

Name: Bill

Bill icon

After the infusion, when do you need to have scheduled follow-ups?

Post-infusion follow-ups, which include blood draws, are done 1 or 2 times a week in the first 4 months after receiving BEQVEZ and lessen over time.

Your care team may suggest that you visit the same lab for all your tests. This may help minimize any potential variability in results.

You can also speak to your doctor and nurse who may be able to help guide you to resources and tools after your BEQVEZ infusion.

Year 1

Weeks 1-16

Once or twice every week

Weeks 17-18

Once every week

Weeks 19-52

At Weeks 24, 32, 42, and 52

Year 2 to end of Year 3
Once every 3 months
Year 4 to end of Year 6
Once every 6 months
After Year 6
Once every year

Your care team may suggest that you visit the same lab for all your tests. This may help minimize any potential variability in results.

You can also speak to your doctor and nurse who may be able to help guide you to resources and tools after your BEQVEZ infusion.

How to get BEQVEZ
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